Sunday, August 18, 2013

Taking Things Non-Personally

I realized the true gift of taking things non-personally. 
It’s so easy for anyone to read something about them, and take offense at what they read and attempt to defend themselves. When you learn not to take things so personally, it’s easier to see the brighter side of life. You learn to feel sorry for that person rather than feeling sorry for yourself. You don’t defend yourself, but you learn that some things need to change. Taking things personally, from experience, has always made me self-pity myself, depressed, and angry. Self-pity: I feel that I did nothing wrong and I deserve more than what the other person is saying about me. Depressed: I feel so sad knowing that someone hates me. Angry: What right does that person have to say that about me? 
Recently, I learned that not taking things personally has made me feel happier. When you learn not to take things personally, you yourself control how you feel, not others.

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